Get into the Best Shape of Your Life
If you are new to fitness, been at it a long time or need support recovering from an injury then you have come to the right place. We can help you.
Why would you want to book a Personal Training session?
Do You Know Where to Start? Knowing how to create a complete fitness regime that includes all the activities you need - cardio, weight training and flexibility - can be overwhelming. Add the time and knowledge it takes to choose exercises, weights, reps/sets and you may stop before you even get started. This is where a personal trainer can be the biggest help. We can help you maximize your time while keeping you within your own limits so you don't overdo it. We can also help you set goals and map out a specific schedule so you know when, how and where you'll fit in your workouts.
Are Your Seeing Desired Results? We will assess your current fitness programme and eating habits then help you improve what you do to create more effective workouts. We can also help you determine if the goals you've set are realistic, hold you accountable during your workouts and help you stay motivated to exercise.
Are You Bored with the Same Old Workouts? If you need some variety in your workouts we can bring a fresh perspective and offer new ideas to challenge you both physically and mentally. We can also introduce you to a variety of fitness concepts that may be new to you - Circuit training, alternative methods of strength training and perhaps fitness equipment you've never tried before.

Do You Need to Be Challenged? Do you sometimes find reasons to cut back on your workouts, especially when things get difficult? We can motivate you to push through self-imposed limitations, encouraging you to lift heavier, go longer and challenge yourself more than you would on your own. You'll find it hard to make excuses with a trainer standing over you, encouraging you to do just "one...more...rep!" You may even find hidden strengths you never thought possible, which can motivate you to achieve more.
Do You Need Motivation? We bring a new level of motivation to your training sessions. You are investing not only your hard earned money but your valuable time into your health and fitness programme. We appreciate that which is why we don't waste any time during a session or a fitness class. We dive straight into the training the minute the session begins.
Do You Have a Specific Illness, Injury or Medical Condition? If you have any specific issues like arthritis, heart disease, old injuries, etc., we can work with you to find a programme that could help heal injuries and avoid any further problems.
Are You Training for a Sport or Specific Event? If you're training for a marathon, a golf tournament, GAA, Rugby or some other type of sport or event, we can help you figure out what you need to do to stay fit or improve performance without taking away from your current training. We can also help create a training programme and map out a plan for the coming event.
Do You need a Training Partner for Your Workouts? Are you someone who knows what you are doing but needs a training partner who can elevate your game? We can spot you during workouts, keep you motivated and help you come up with a great training plan for your goals.
Take The First Step In Your Journey Toward The Best Body Of Your Life.
Find out what people are saying about their transformations.
In January 2015, standing on the scales weighing 12 stone 2 pounds with a BMI of 28, at 23 years old and being told by the doctor that I was ‘overweight, I decided it was time for a change. Having being involved in sports from a young age I would have considered myself quiet fit and healthy, but obviously I wasn’t. So in February 2015, with a little persuasion from a close friend I finally took the first step in my transformation. Having known that I had tried this before and failed, I was a little sceptical about it all. Walking in the door that day and being greeted by an ‘enthusiastic’ Finn Glenn, I thought to myself ‘what are you getting into?’ For the following days my body also wondered what I was getting involved in as I struggled to move, but for some strange reason I felt like I wanted to do more. The following week I became a member and I made an agreement that I would see this through. Taking part in weight training exercises under the guidance of Finn, and also engaging in cardio sessions, I began to believe that I could finally do this.
Beginning to change for the better and roping my mother and friends into my new craze everything was going great until I finally hit that wall again three months in. I wondered why I am doing this, what benefit is it to me? Why bother? All these thoughts ran through my head and I made the decision, I had enough and I had given it the best I could.
"If it doesn't challenge you,
it won't change you."
Leaving that day I told Finn about my decision and before I left I had signed up for a personal training session (his very persuasive when he wants to be!).
Having discussed my personal goals and what I wanted to achieve, Finn devised a training plan and also a nutrition plan (with many changes before it was finalised). This was what I needed, I’m not going to lie and say it was easy (as it wasn’t, believe me there was many arguments and struggles throughout) but once I got my nutrition right (which didn’t include any tablets, shakes or supplements) and followed my training plans I felt anything was possible. By engaging in personal training, good nutrition and joining the Body by Finn classes on Tuesday and Thursdays I finally began to enjoy training. Leaving the first few classes feeling very unfit, I decided I would accomplish these classes one day! I think I have, but I’m sure the instructor would say differently!
While moving away from Kenmare, Finn has accommodated me by changing my plans, fitting in personal training sessions at the weekends and he keeps me on my toes with my nutrition.
To anyone out there thinking of making a change all I can say is GO FOR IT. If you don’t succeed at first, you will with the help of the Body By Finn Fitness Team. Their dedication, motivation and commitment to each and every client is outstanding. With a healthy BMI, greatly improved fitness and a new sense of confidence, a massive thank you must go to Finn and everyone in the gym as none of this would have happened only for them, I believe the hardest step that I took to begin this journey was walking in the door that day in February and remember a piece of advice I was once told, ‘IF IT DOESN’T CHALLENGE YOU IT WON’T CHANGE YOU’.
Aisling H.