90 Day Fitness Challenge

Paul's Epic Challenge Begins
We have worked with many wonderful people over the years and there certainly have been plenty of unique personalities along the way. While we thought he was a great guy, when we met Chef Paul Treyvaud we knew he was completely out of his mind. The the more we listened though the more we all started to believe it was possible.
"I am going to single handedly take on the multi-trillion dollar business that is the Health Food Industry. I am going to dispel their entire message of superfoods & hero ingredients. I am going to prove to you that many of these guys prey on people's vulnerability and desire to look the way society has deemed fit & beautiful!
I am going to invite you to start thinking for yourself."
Paul Treyvaud
Proof is in the Pudding
Talk about setting the bar really high. It's just that kind of thinking that we love to get behind. What Paul was suggesting was going to require a serious commitment on his part, especially if he is going to accomplish his initial fitness goals by the end of November. So what is Paul's first big task? He needs to transform himself from being the self-proclaimed "fat guy in the video" to the lean, healthy man he was born to be. That's where we come in. We will be coaching Paul in and outside of the gym. Will he go all the way and drop the excess body fat? Will he get stronger and fitter? Will he give it all up out of frustration at some point? Will his love of great wine and fine food be too much for him to say good bye to for the next three months? You will have a front row seat as we bring you weekly videos of his training, nutrition and personal struggle to carry on. How do we know there will be struggles? Everyone has them.
So what is this all about?
Listen to Paul share with us why he wants to document the hardest physical challenge of his life. Finn will break down how the transformation process will work over the next three months. Who knows what these two will get up to along the way.
week 1
Are you at Risk of Type 2 Diabetes?
One of the first things Paul Treyvaud did before starting his fitness transformation challenge was go to Diabetes Ireland's website and took their "ARE YOU AT RISK OF TYPE 2 DIABETES?" test. The results speak for themselves.
Our First workout with Treyvaud
So the gauntlet was thrown down and Chef Paul Treyvaud stepped up to the challenge of transforming his body and mind by the end of November. He is determined to get into the best shape of his life the old fashioned way. Just hard work and targeted nutrition.
No More Lazy Excuses (Day 2)
Paul is taking a 10 km walk up Kenmare's Jack and Jill hill. Here's his feedback on his first day of training and his outlook on what's to come. No more excuses will be excepted. He is 100% committed to succeeding in this challenge.
First Fitness Class in Kenmare (Day 5)
Paul is about to head into another training session with Section 20. Step aerobics, kettlebells and the whole lot. Paul is feeling tired but strong. Will he drive on today?
Workout is Killing Me (Day 5)
Chef Paul just finished his Saturday morning Section 20 - Strength & Conditioning class and he is wiped out. He is starting to feel the impact of how much fitness plays a role in his daily life but he is loving the challenge. "This too will pass Paul."
Week 2
Can People Sweat this Much? (Day 8)
Oh man, we are well and truly knee deep into Treyvaud's Transformation Challenge. The sweat was pouring after a great Body By Finn circuit training class. Smiles are everywhere today. Paul is feeling good. Feeling like he earned this one.
Anxiety about Weigh In (Day 14)
Before he heads into a killer training session Paul breaks down how he feels about his progress so far and how he is having second thoughts about succeeding with tomorrow's weigh-in target. He has to do it. He is committed to do this transformation.
Thighs on Fire (Day 11)
His muscles feel like they are on fire at times but the mindset is strong with Paul. Paul is determined to stay strong but is having concerns about his first weigh-in that is coming up soon.
Admitting Your Trainer is Right (Day 14)
The night before Paul's first weigh-in and he is anxious about setting himself up for possible failure. We finally had to admit that Finn might be right about worrying so much about the scales. The good news is that Paul is seeing real results in how he feels and feels the support every day.
Did he Loose a Stone in two weeks?
(dAY 15)
THE WEIGH IN. Did Paul Treyvaud loose a stone in weight that he claimed he could do at the beginning of his personal transformation challenge? Ireland's Personal Trainer, Finn Glenn, keeps a close eye on the initial weigh in at Kenmare's gym, Real World Combat & Fitness. While the scales are not the end all be all when it comes to measuring progress they can be a useful tool to track progress in the early days of beginning a body transformation and lifestyle change.
Week 3
Where's the Fat Guy in Fitness Videos
(Day 16)
So many emotions after successfully reaching Paul's targeted fat loss for the first two weeks of Treyvaud's Transformation Challenge. The public feedback has been amazing so far. Time for Paul to do Kenmare's Jack & Jill hill.
Exercise Helps Prevent Diabetes
(Day 15)
Paul just crushed his weigh-in target and is celebrating with, you guessed it, a kick ass workout at Real World Combat & Fitness. Preventing diabetes is one way we feel that protecting yourself can go beyond the conventional thought process and blend into your daily life. Our concerns for self protection go to the core of who we are as often self destructive human beings. Obesity is a serious threat that we face as a nation every day and we want to help do our part to show everyone how they can fight back.
Week 4
Exercise with Family
(Day 27)
Paul is back in Kerry afteron the road at Food Festivals and the National Ploughing Championships. He decided to get back into the swing of things by taking a hike with his family. It's important to include your family in the process because they can be your biggest source of moral support. Your children will take these experiences as life long lessons.
Health Food Industry Rant (Day 29)
Day 29: Paul is fired up after just speaking with Cork's 96 FM morning show about obesity in Ireland, diabetes and his opinions of the health food industry. Never short for words, he is happy to rip the fraudsters in the food and fitness industry to pieces. Tell us what you really think, Paul.
Fall Down. Now Get Up (Day 29)
Day 29: Paul gets pushed to his limits this morning after an intensive session pushing iron in the gym. You can tell that EFFORT is the essential ingredient here. If you think you will feel embarrassed by your fitness level in the early days then worry not, we are here to help. We all start from the same place. "You don't have to be great to start, you have to start to be great"
Obesity and Diabetes Prevention
in Ireland (Cork 96 FM)
Chef Paul Treyvaud was on Cork 96 FM's morning show with PJ Coogan speaking about his personal struggle with obesity and how he has been inspired to speak up for 1 million plus people who are at risk of diabetes here in Ireland. He is beyond frustrated with many of the misleading food industry fraudsters and popular so called fitness fads that prey on unsuspecting consumers. We can do better.
This is a short excerpt of the Cork 96 FM's Opinion Line morning show. Check out for the full podcasts of every show.
Month 2
Kickboxing Kicked My Ass
Paul finishes his cardio training with four two minute rounds of pad work with coach Sven of Virtus Martial Arts. It was his first time hitting the pads and he held up really well. It kicked his ass but he loved every minute of it.
What happened to my Asthma?
Six weeks into training in the gym in everything from weight lifting, circuit training, martial arts, etc. and Paul notices his inhaler he uses for asthma sitting in his car. This time he realizes that he hasn't used his inhaler since he started eating well, training and taking classes with us. Do you think there is a connection? Listen to what he thinks and you be the judge.
Month 3
Fat Guy in the Video Conquers Highest Mountain in Ireland
Straight Outta Kenmare with Ice Cubes - Treyvaud Freezes in Ice Bath
Self-professed Fat Guy in the Video, Paul Treyvaud, had trouble climbing the stairs over nine weeks ago and today climbs Carrauntoohil, the highest peak in Ireland. Located in picture-esque County Kerry, it is 1,038 metres (3,406 ft) high and is the central peak of the MacGillycuddy's Reeks range.
After climbing Carrauntoohil, the highest peak in Ireland, Paul was on top of the world feeling great about achieving something he couldn't have imagined doing only three months earlier. So we thought we would help him recover from his long hike with a refreshing ice our parking lot...with a small crowd of people watching. There is one catch. He had no idea we were doing this otherwise he would have ran for the hills. We genuinely caught him by surprise.
Paul taking Self Defence Lessons with Virtus Martial Arts
We dropped into a self protection lesson with Virtus Martial Arts instructor Dave . He was training Paul alongside our good friend Mike on how to experience violence related stress. They had some fun working on some practical options to help end the immediate threat. At this point in Paul's transformation he has improved strength, power, speed and over all self confidence.

Feeling on top of the world

Three months later and the results speak for themselves. We couldn't have been more proud of the effort that Paul put into his transformation. There were times when the thoughts of giving up came to mind but he persevered. Somewhere along the way he discovered that the essence of his success in this process came down to his ability to stay disciplined and trust the plan.
Outstanding achievement Paul Treyvaud. 34 LBs in body fat lost with a significant gain in lean muscle. Done all natural.